Endorsed Partner of SoCal NTMA, Dochterman Insurance Services
Exclusively serving the insurance and risk management needs of manufacturers throughout Southern California, Dochterman Insurance Services has the expertise and experience to assess your risk profile and create a comprehensive plan to reduce the exposures you face. Reach out to this industry partner today!

Congratulations to our Manufacturer of the Year, J&F Machine! Thank you to all who attended our event on June 29, 2023.

Inspired by companies that stand out in this industry, the SoCal NTMA created this prestigious award to celebrate companies that are excelling in processes, product development, and application pertaining to precision tooling and machining.
This year’s award was presented to J & F Machine Inc.
Pictured above: Hernan Ricaurte (Ricaurte Precision & SoCal NTMA Treasurer), Roger Atkins (NTMA President), Rick and Micheline Varnum (J & F Machine Inc.)